“The LOVE is in the air”
Let’s celebrate the month of love with hearts.. Thought of adding some heart shape kolams in my collection for this month. I did this kolam without any pre plans and started with two cross lines and tried to join the lines with a wavy line.
That’s it, I viewed hearts in it and the next shape took its own course. As usual, I drew a bordering line to enclose the four heart shapes and again made four hearts to take over the sentry duty π at the intersections, neither they get vanished nor looted π Again, its the joining hands with other sentries to make the security tightened π
Now the minarets build the next layer with vertical lines making the area more secured π And Next set of minarets towering over in the next layer with cross lines take the defending position at the line of control. Inward curves with lots rivet taking over the securing job on the defending line π Then copies of Heart shapes maneuvering perfectly to get attached to the hexagonal line.. The next layer of hexagonal shape of a secured line fastened around to make more secured with twining and tangling lines in and around, making the whole area secured.
After reading this post, many might wonder what had gone wrong with this girl, Well!!! Valentine’s day is approaching so just freak out friends π
With so many heart shapes in, what more can add for this Valentine’s day. The kolam has some basic elements right from dots, lines, cross lines, curves. I tried to add more prominent dots to the kolam for a grandeur look. After drawing the kolam, I noticed a octogon shape has been shaped up. I just added parallel lines to the outer line, that formed a polygonal shape…