A 15 dots sikku kolam.
The kolam which missed the line number ๐ . A little mess up during the revamp of the site. I didn’t notice until a viewer highlighted the left out number. I was sure as I was numbering in correct sequence and somehow missed 127 and 128. I was in an impression that I had upload on the site, but learnt a lesson to recheck physically instead of relying on my memory power. I guess age factor has a great impact on the memory recollection capacity, Overflow of RAM ๐
I did this kolam along with another two to wish my friends who had their birthdays on consecutive days. And in fact enjoyed every bit of drawing this right from dot placing to the enhancement work.
This kolam has 15 dots in the centre column and decreased by two on either sides till the dot 1. Start the kolam from the bottom dot and build the design. A single line kolam, as single strand runs throughout the kolam. The centre design can be drawn as a 7 dot kolam. After drawing the kolam, I outlined with colours. I have used pink and blue shades. For the border, I drew matching sikku strands.