I have drifted away from this website π I Couldn’t draw kolams on a regular basis, I have to struggle to squeeze my time to draw..
At times, Slothfulness overpower me π Then I get into hibernation, no kolams…. After a hiatus I regain the strength to shrug off the sluggishness and get back into action. Getting back in the groove takes some time for me. I need to get adopted to the texture of the kolapowder the type of kolams. For sikku kolam it isn’t a big deal to me, I can draw with ease and take care of the enhancement factor too. But freehand kolams need some creativity. The biggest drawback is, I don’t draw a sketch before drawing a kolam on floor especially a freehand kolam. I always take a resolution to go for a rough sketch before execution, but I go blank with paper and pen in hand π I go blank and can’t even proceed to the next layer.
So on the stage, I display my talent π To till date I haven’t messed up though had some flops too π Shhh… Not to your ears π
A 11-1 dots sikku kolam. I am in the process of making dot patterns for an easy reference. Hopefully will upload soon π A small sikku kolam, still tried to make it look good by adding extensions around to beautify. Hope it looks good.