Happy Friendship Day
Receiving wishes on special days are priceless
Years have rolled by and when I receive wishes from my college days’ friends, it brightens up the day. Though we don’t speak daily, still we catch up once in a blue moon with the same tone as we spoke our in college days. When I finished my college the only source of contact was through mails and landlines phones. Now the augmented technology has shattered the barriers of distance and keeping friends in contact isn’t an issue at all.
Though the technology has given its fruits to us, still time and personal life, hauls to keep friends at a bay π

I drew this kolam to wish a friend on her birthday. She draws intricate designs at ease and I tried to wish in her style. She was pleased (My friends are so sweet, they always say the way I expect LOL ) π
As always, I started to draw without any preparation, this time with flower pattern. Then got struck, didn’t have any clue to move forward, that’s the early glitch I always face which I break through and move on to the next step π Tried to duplicate the petals around and filled with intricate designs to fill the gap.
After the first layer, I guess, I got diverted somewhere and missed the spin π The start was in the clockwise and it got diverted to anticlockwise, normally which is not followed in kolams. We draw kolams for a positive vibration and we make it sure that the flower or strokes follow a clockwise direction. After the last layer I realised, it was a bit late, but I was happy about the outcome. I couldn’t resist myself without drawing a paisley π Paisleys as the show stoppers to my kolam.