“Paisley Kolam”
My favourite kolam which was done at the spur of the moment. Just started with a four petal flower design at the centre. With the first floral design I extended by duplicating the four petals and then added some lines and later enclosed all within a Paisley. I liked the way the centre part look embossed giving a 3D effect. I need to change the image as the clarity fails. Will try to act as soon as I reach my base 🙂
Some creations without pre plans come out very well and get into the beat creation list and this is one such kolam which I didn’t expect its outcome. It was causally done and I enjoyed doing this kolam. Its my mood which is reflected in my creations. Some in spite of preplans they do fail to hit the average…
Most of my kolams are done at the moment without any preplans as I need to squeeze the time from my routine to draw kolams. Hardly I get an hour to draw a kolam. If its only in white, I manage to draw two, only one, if colours adore my kolam. So, mostly I prefer only in white 🙂