Aadi Masam – The fourth month in Tamil calender “Month of Goddess” . The month of Aadi is considered very auspicious to connect oneself to Divine power. The power of the Goddess Shakti doubles up and she revives the cosmos with her celestial energies. Tuesdays and Fridays are more special in this month.
Aadi Month is also a start of Samba cultivation season (August – January). The farmers sow paddy in this month by 27th, I don’t know the significance about the time limit, maybe the monsoon or the river Cauvery’s water flow.
In Tamilandu, the early morning of Aadi is filled with L.R.Easwari’s scintillating voice singing the praise of Goddess Amman. Friday evenings are celebrated with special prayers and distribution of Kool(a soupy dish made with finger millet) as Prasadham. And kolams are drawn daily and bordered with kaavi powder.
A 17 dot sikku kolam done for this day. An easy kolam with a small 4 dots kolam drawn at the sides. The original design has sikku strands looping around the dots where I have replaced with lotus flowers.
And easy kolam for a beginner to draw with bigger dot count. Two strands form this simple design. One strand starts with the 4 dots kolam and interconnects with other sides, while the other strand intertwines to complete the design.