Sikku kolam – 19

12 Dots Sikku kolam
Sikku kolam

A sikku kolam with 12 dots placed in straight pattern which can be drawn in any even number dot count right from 6 dots. When time permits I’ll try to upload the 14×2 dot version. This design is deep in my memory, so whenever I’m lazy to recollect complicated sikku kolams, I go with this version. I have added yellow colour for enhancement. Hope it looks good:-)
The other versions of this kolam is give below tried with different dot count
Kolam with 8 dot
Bigger version in 24 dots kolam

12 Dots Sikku kolam
Sikku kolam

As said, I’m re-posting this post with 14×2 dot version image in this page. The centre design keeps on increasing as the dots are added, still with some variations in the design. More or less the the colour filling seems to be the same for the kolams as I didn’t think too much about the enhancement factor.
If possible I’ll keep on updating this page with different dot count kolams 🙂

14 dots sikku kolam
Sikku kolam with 14 dots