Christmas Rangoli

Muggulu, Rangoli, Rangavallika, Big kolam, dotless kolam
Round Rangoli

“Merry Christmas”
Started my day with a freehand rangoli ๐Ÿ™‚
An inspiration kolam shaped up from a free pamphlet I received for Deepavalli promotion in the local super market. I tried to create a new design with my imagination added to the original version and sketched down in my note, that was two years ago. I’ll upload the rough sketch done on paper sometime later. I’m in the process of searching another edition of this kolam which I had done earlier, I’ll try to upload once I locate it on the hard disk, Hopefully soon ๐Ÿ™‚

Freehand Kolam

After a long hunt, I managed to trace the other version of the above rangoli which I did long ago. A few variations here and there but the main design being the same. 9 months is not a big time gap, Isn’t it!!!

Muggulu, Rangoli, Rangavallika, Big kolam, dotless kolam
Round Rangoli

The raw version of the above kolams sketched down in my notebook. As said earlier, I tried to incorporate the minaret shaped design in the kolam with a flowery pattern at the centre.

Rangoli, Muggulu, Rangavallika