A simple kolam done on a lazy day π I wasn’t in a mood to put a big kolam so stuck with a small design. This simple flower design has a dot count of 4×2-2 which can be extended to 12×2 dot count kolam. I’ll upload the bigger version later.
This kolam was my favorite flower kolam, as it doesn’t demand much symmetry while placing the dots π An easy pattern, no need to remember the dot count nor any complicated twists/turns. All I need to remember is the multiples of 4 π Any festival, this kolam becomes the colour carpet at the doorstep. 12 to 15 years ago, the ready to use colours weren’t available in the market. The colour powders were the only source for colouring the kolams, which needs to be mixed with the white kolapodi. Once mixed in the dry state, the colour gets dull.. Later learnt the technique of mixing colours with white kolapodi restraining the original vibrant shades. It was an extra work, still was worth to work on it π
For the yellow colour, I have used turmeric powder mixed with rice flour. I loved this colour, while colouring the fragrance of turmeric was divine.