Sikku kolam -2

Sikku kolam, pulli kolam, small kolam,
Sikku kolam

I like this sikku kolam a lot for its simplicity of its design. Though it seems to be complicated, it is formed with individual strands connecting the sides.. A very small, simple and easy pulli kolam to draw.
This kolam was drawn in 2010, before starting this website. In the early of 2011, I had an idea to have my own platform to showcase creations of mine. Though I had an intention, I was bit lazy to start ;-D . In spite of my mental laziness, I continued to draw kolams at the doorstep and saved in my collection, hoping to display on my website one day ๐Ÿ™‚ The colour used in this kolam was self made, I have used sparingly and I was disinclined to use the colour generously as it was precious to me then ๐Ÿ˜€

I am in the process of adding step by step procedure of making kolams in my website as I receive request from visitors visiting my site looking for kolams. Sure will add as soon as possible :-). I need to shed off my laziness ๐Ÿ˜€ This kolam was done at my old residence entrance.
A Sikku with minimal extensions and colored with bright orange colour.
Dot count : 10×2, 8×2, 6×1, 2×1

Sikku kolam, pulli kolam, small kolam,
Sikku kolam