A 15 dots sikku kolam with matching borders around.
I did this kolam in the mid of October and it took so long to get published. I draw kolams whenever I have time and upload to my system. Infact, I forget them for a while and when I start to mine into the folders these are the surprise pop outs. And this time the treasure hunt was pretty good as I got some 20 new kolams lining up the queue.
I think to upload, some or other chores divert me and I need a small reason to get drifted away ๐
I am good at making excuses, but try to stick on to my hobbies. When I started this site in August 2013, I thought of contributing kolams on a daily basis, but nothing gets on the planned version, deviations do happen and in my case it happens on a daily basis ๐ Every time I do take a resolution of updating the site on a regular basis ๐ The thought always in process..
This is a 15 dots kolam, the dots placed in straight pattern. An extension of 4 dots sikku kolam and the remaining dots on the sides are connected with a square pattern. For the borders, I have mimicked the square pattern to match the main kolam.