Sikku Kolam- 134

tippudu muggulu, rangavalli, sikku kolangal
Roses :-)

Again a 23 dots kolam for this margazhi season.
I liked this kolam the way it got it’s shape at the end. This is also an extension of 5 dots kolam, which everyone would have tried it. I took it as the template and drew this kolam.

I didn’t have any idea how to proceed after drawing the base designs on the edges. Tired to replicate below to the centre dot and replicated on other sides. After drawing I found dots are being shared and connected which formed a 7 dots kolam. The centre design can be drawn separately, I will try to create this design adding extra dots to form a different pattern.

After drawing this kolam, I didn’t plan much for the border, so placed dots around the kolam and formed a single strand as an enclosure.

tippudu muggulu, rangavalli, sikku kolangal
Roses 🙂