The next kolam in Margazhi collection and My own design
A 23 dots dots kolam with a 5 dots sikku kolam as base.
The design seems to be simple yet my dot placement was meandering and that was evident in the display. I should have taken care of the dots. At times it happens and can’t be perfect as always. Flaws and blunders are part of my kolam journey, where I take care of the mistakes made in previous kolams and try to remember while drawing the new ones.
I planned to draw sikku kolams for this margazhi and drew some, but couldn’t adhere to the schedule. And didn’t have time to upload. The first step was flipping through the pages of my kolam notebook. And I needed to fix the dot count as the space at the entrance allows to place 23 to 25 dots at a stretch. It was difficult to find 23 dots kolam in my notebook and decided to create some new ones with 5 dots kolams.
Now the next botch is numbering of sikku kolams. Some how, I missed the count while editing the kolams as I was taking into account of the site upload, not my system folder. A lesson learnt 🙂