A sikku kolam with 15 dots. I did this kolam for a friend to wish on her special day. After drawing the sikku wanted to add some extension around the kolam. I drew a simple border sikku kolam design on four sides. I wanted to colour the kolam in pink and started with the centre portion.
Then to the outer portion, wanted to give an outline to the border and proceeded. But noticed the formation of heart shapes in between the loops. Without any second thoughts coloured the portion to get highlighted as heart shapes and was successful in creating the shapes. I didn’t connect the border sikkus and the space in between remained aloof, so added a single sikku strand but while colouring it took the shape of heart and didn’t look like a sikku loop.
I hope I have a pretty good collection of kolams in 15 dot count. I need to move on to higher number, the only reason why I hesitate is only due to space constraint. 2′-6″ space allows me to squeeze the dot spacing but while drawing the lines I need to sqeeze the strokes where they get stressed and they show their unhappiness about being crowded.