Sikku kolam with 15 dots and extended with hearts.. Tried with blue and magenta, prepossessing combo Isn’t it 😊
This kolam can be done in 11 dot count and can be extended further. Sikku kolams can be extended to bigger version only criteria is about the dot count. Sikku kolams increase in dot size with the magical number 4.. If this is taken take then venturing out in creating sikku kolam would be cruise.
I was sharing my Margazhi sikku kolams which I started from a 5 dots kolam as the base, she said that it wasn’t her cup of tea.. But its nit so tough as everyone thinks. Its just one’s imagination of looping and twisting the strands around the dots. I am in the process of making a tutorial for creating bigger sikku kolams from a smaller version. Hopefully will upload within this Margazhi season.
I enjoy enhancing the sikku kolams. For some kolams I do make a rough sketch of the outer sikku strands before going for the floor version. If its any geometrical or any othet elements then its just done at the spot. This is one of such genre. I didn’t plan and as always drew an outline around the kolam and drew hearts shapes and added colours….