A sikkukolam with 17 dots.
This is an extension of 5 dots kolam. I have done a smaller version of this kolam and enhanced with honey bees 🐝 on a merry-go-round 🙂 I enjoyed doing the bee kolam, which I did 5 years ago.
A 5 dots kolam can be extended to any extent right from 9, 13, 17, 21, 25….
You need to fill the extra dots with sikku strands.. I have created some 10 sikku kolams for the coming Margazhi season with 23 dots from a 5 dots kolam. Its simple to create and I love create sikku kolams.. Line kolams area not cup of tea as I hesistate to attempt. I need to be more careful while placing the dots…
I am more comfortable with sikku kolams and create new designs out of imagination. I try to modify kolams as I don’t replicate as it is.. For big sikku kolams, I do some preparations before going on to the floor version. While drawing a paper I try to change the design and alter it to look unique.
After drawing this kolam, the next part, the enhancement … Paisleys are always handy. Drew some Paisleys and for colours, I have used different shades of blue. I liked the shades used in this kolam.