Sikku kolam -122

tippudu muggulu, rangavalli,
Sikku Kolam

The Mylapore Kolam Festival dates have been announced. I am looking forward for the occassion, as I am just an online spectator where my friends send me the photos of the kolams drawn over there. More or less a live telecast of the happening on the spot. I love to be in the venue and see enthusiastic kolam lovers gathering at a spot and showing off their talent on an allotted space and time. The main rule is that the kolam should be dotted and only in white. Wish, I could visit, if possible participate in the competition 🙂

A sikku kolam done with 15 dots. A simple design and many individual sikku strands which simplifies the design.
To draw first draw the outer strand which forms the loop on the outer most dot in the main column. Then the form a square shape at the bottom side with a loop on the sides. Now try to replicate on other sides too. After completing you can see the kolam getting into shape. Again draw a square with two loops on the sides. Now join the remaining dots either the way I have drawn or you can join in your style, either with sikku strands or any other elements such as flowers, heart shapes etc.
I have drawn some extensions around the kolam for enhancement. I thought to add a sikku border but this seems to merge well with the main kolam.

tippudu muggulu, rangavalli,
Sikku Kolam