Sikku Kolam -121

tippudu muggulu, rangavalli,rangoli, chikku kolam
Greenish Green

A 15 dots sikku kolam. A simple sikku kolam with more lines and less tangling. After drawing the kolam I didn’t have much time to extend with extra sikku strands. In fact, I didn’t have any idea to draw a kolam.. I just added a border line outlining the kolam. And I wanted to recycle colours in this kolam as I didn’t have the heart to throw the colours. The yellow and green shades look bit dull, still I liked it :-). Pastel shades 🙂
This kolam can be extended to bigger version, Will try to do in near future. I don’t have the copy of big kolam, but, will sit down to create.. If possible need to check my collection from my mother’s note book, she should be having this. She had collected many sikku kolams, hopefully her kolam book comes out of its hideout….

This is a 15 dots placed in a straight pattern. I have drawn many kolams with 15 dots.. I couldn’t go beyond as I find bit difficult in drawing lines in between the dots as the space I have is just two and a half feet.. I can draw line kolams up to 30 dot count, it’s just by joining the dots, which isn’t difficult to draw.

tippudu muggulu, rangavalli,rangoli, chikku kolam
Greenish Green