I have tried this kolam earlier by using a chalk piece on the floor. But that was done in a haste, though I liked the design, I wasn’t satisfied with the scruffy execution. Here is the link for the sikku kolam https://vinns.in/sikku-kolam-9-2/ I have uploaded this kolam, always wanted to try this design, but totally forgot about his sequel :-0 This time I wanted to add colours to make an appealing display.
After finishing the kolam I found the spaces at the corners shaped up to butterflies 🙂

The 1st picture shows the dot placement for the main kolam. Its 7 dots in the main coloumn placed in straight pattern and decreasing to 1 on both sides. The basic 4-1 dot kolam is drawn in the bottom 4 dots and joined with the side dots forming 3-1 dot kolam :-0 The same is repeated on the opposite side. Now picture shows the completed version of the kolam. After this I wanted to extend the kolam so I added a border. Still wanted to extend by adding 3-1 dots at the bottom and two sets on the sides with borders enclosing the small kolams.

The below 4 pictures show the colouring done in stages. The first picture is the completed one with the extensions and ready to go for colours 🙂 The second picture shows the colouring of the spacing above to the small sikku kolam… The gap shaped up to look like butterfly to my eyes so added colours and drew the antennas…
While selecting colours I thought of using pink and purple shades, But remembered the advice of my friend and stayed away.. Now the colouring of the sikkus, I didn’t want to use bright shades as it would make clumsy so used the pastel shades…
The two kolams seen on the bottom row has colours shaded on the adjacent small sikkus too, But my friend told those fillings overpowered the whole display, so I choose to restore the kolam in the previous stage.