Shodashdala Padmam || Lakshmi Pooja Rangoli || Sacred Lotus Muggulu

shodashdala Padmam, lotus kolam, lakshmi pooja muggulu, varalakshmi kolam, friday pooja room kolam,


Video link for Shodashdala Padmam

Video link for Saharasdala Padmam

Video link for Dvaatrimshatdala Padmam

Video link for Ashtadala Padmam.

Shodashdala Padmam – Lotus flower with 16 petals is named as Shodashadala Padmam and it is special too. Lotus gets categorised with  petal numbers. 1000 petalled Lotus is named as Saharasdala Padmam, 32 as Dvaatrimshatdala Padmam and 8 petals lotus with Ashtadala Padmam.  The video of these three Lotus kolams are uploaded in my channel and you may refer in the given youtube links.

Shodashdala Padmam – The kolam starts with Star of Lakshmi ie. ending with 8 points which depict the Ashtalakshmis. And the speciality of the kolam is that the lotus starts blooming from 8 to 16 petals doubling the count of Lakshmis.

Draw this kolam on Fridays in Pooja Room and seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. Come let’s see the drawing of kolam.

A new patterned lotus kolam  and hope it is easy to draw. This Shoshadala Padmam should be drawn in your Pooja Room or near to Tulasi Brindavan.

As this is a Pooja Room Kolam so I have started with Auspicious symbols starting with four lines followed by Vishnu Padam, Lakshmi padam, Kalasam, Sudharshana Chakra, Vishnu’s Conch, Shri, Ashtadala Padmam, Swasthik and Lotus ending with four lines.

shodashdala Padmam, lotus kolam, lakshmi pooja muggulu, varalakshmi kolam, friday pooja room kolam,

  1. Place 4×2-2 dots and draw two vertical and horizontal lines joining the centre dots. And draw the lines as shown. Now 8 pointed star is formed.

shodashdala Padmam, lotus kolam, lakshmi pooja muggulu, varalakshmi kolam, friday pooja room kolam,

Now the Star of Lakshmi is formed with 8 points. Now we need to increase the 8 to 16 so that 16 petals are


shodashdala Padmam, lotus kolam, lakshmi pooja muggulu, varalakshmi kolam, friday pooja room kolam,

formed around and we need 4 more lines to extend. So 4 lines are added, by adding one vertical and horizontal and two in 45 degrees to the former.  16 points are ready to form sixteen petals. Now join the 1st end to 3rd tip leaving one line at the centre. Keeping drawing and 16 petals are formed.

I have added turmeric and vermillion or  you may perform your pooja as per your family tradition.