
Lost Petal :-)

I never explored into photography, but at times unwittingly the shots taken by me grabs everyone’s attention. I never knew I can take better pictures in my Samsung Note 2 until I shot these images in close up and to my amazement the outcome looked as if it was captured in a SLR camera. Indeed a proud moment for me πŸ˜€ Hope Samsung doesn’t sue me for taking the credit of their product πŸ˜€

Last week I volunteered in my little one’s school field trip and managed to take the below images in the vegetable farm.
Kindergarten kids – It’s difficult to manage my daughter at home and 16 in an open area….:-D . Enjoyed every moment spent with the little ones hearing constant complaints from them – Mrs.Raj he pinched me, she beat me in the local slang, that was so chweet to hear πŸ˜€ and felt I was back into my childhood days.

Lost Petal :-)
Lost Petal πŸ™‚
Pumpkin Flower
Pumpkin Flower
Blue Bell
Blue Bell

flower photo

orange flowers