A small sikku kolam for day 9. A simple sikku kolam with a single strand connecting the four corners with a flowery design filling up the space.
I didn’t use any colours as I was rushing to fetch my little one from school. I can draw kolams when she is not around, If she is, then I need to handover the powder to her.. She likes to imitate the way I do. She places the dots and spreads the powder to imprint her name.. She never tries to disturb my kolam yet likes to take part in the drawing sessions π After drawing I handover the stage to her. She draws and cleans draws and cleans…. That’s a non-stop sequence π I need to break the routine by clearing the kolapowders out of site…
Mostly I draw kolams when she is in school, as I don’t need to get distracted constantly to take care of her movements in home. When she is quiet I may need to check the status π Her favourite play spot is kitchen. She likes to play with the utensils and water in the sink. Though I draw kolam, 95% of the brain activity takes care of the little one’s movement π 5% drags the process time to timeless goal π