Kaarthigai Deepa Kolam -4

diya, lamp, karthigai kolams, muggulu
Agal Vilakku

Then celebrations at Thiruvannamalai where Lord Shiva dwells in the form of fire is an important and auspicious in the Month of Kaarthigai. As per Hindu Mythology,there was conflict between the Gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Lord Shiva proclaimed himself as the supreme power in the form of fire and challenged if any one could see his head and feet, would accept his defeat. Vishnu, who took in a form of boar searched the underneath of earth in search of Shiva’s feet, but failed in his effort. Lord Brahma, who was in search of his head. He abode with screw pine flower to prevaricate that the flower fell from Shiva’s head. Lord Shiva learnt the falsity and that’s reason temples why temples weren’t raised for Brahma. Lord Shiva who showed his image as a flame where the start and end isn’t seen implies that he has no end.

This is a 12 dot kolam where the flower and lamps are drawn with this dot count. I have extended around the kolam to make it looker bigger. I wanted to enhance the small kolam with more colours making it appealing. As usual drew an outline around the kolam and added some petals and minarets enclosing the whole kolam…

diya, lamp, karthigai kolams, muggulu
Agal Vilakku