Here is a small pictorial explanation of drawing a very small sikku kolam with 3 dots placed in interlaced pattern.
First place 3 dots in a coloumn, then on either sides place two dots just as in the picture 1.
Then take the bottom most dot as the reference point and start drawing the line in between the dots, one point in the X axis and two in Y axis. (1,2)
Then draw a V shape notch in between the dots as shown in the picture. Now one half has been completed, the other one is just a mirror image. Well we can say this 3 dots kolam has “Bilateral Symmetry or two fold Mirror Symmetry”

Now comes the beautification process. Irrespective of the design, dot pattern, type of kolam you can add your imagination to the kolam, trust me it will give a different perspective to the kolam. Mine is always adding extra curls, twrils, swirls around the finished work. I wanted to break down the drawing procedure of 3 dots kolam into syeps and never pre planned of adding extra elements, additions were just on the spur of the moment. I kept on adding minarets and other shapes, but needed to stop because of space constraint.
Below is the copy of the final view. To me it looks like a traditional brass lamp/ vilakku 🙂