11 dots kolam with a different dot pattern and a single line creating this design. Some things evanesce and emanate and this occurrence has become a part of my life and it does apply to kolams too. One such is this kolam, which was done last year and now it has resurfaced from nowhere 🙂 I drew this kolam and tried to make it look bigger by adding some extra designs around.
Single sikku strands, minarets, dots and swirls to account into the enhancement factor.
1. The dot pattern is shown in the image. Download the image and print for practicing the kolam.
2. Start the kolam from the bottom most dot and draw the sikku strand as shown.
3.This is a single line kolam. As the name suggests it is a single sikku strand runs in between the dots and creates a design. I have differentiated with colours for easy understanding the flow of the line.
4. Complete the kolam by joining centre part by a square pattern and a round encircling the centre dot.