Flower and Buds Kolam

muggulu, white rangoli, rangavalli
Flowers :-)

A dot kolam after a hiatus πŸ™‚ This is a 25 dot count with a straight pattern decreasing to one on either side.
I haven’t used any colours as I wanted to keep it simple with just white colour. I got this kolam from a kolam book and copied to my notebook hoping I would try it one day. As this kolam has gone into my note book some three years ago. Though I have some good collection of line kolam, but didn’t have the interest of trying it as I don’t feel comfortable with line kolams as sikku kolams is my comfortable zone. Now I have started to explore into line kolams, though I have drawn some kolams before.

My kolam collection has sikku kolams topping up the number list. Hope many don’t search for sikku kolams so decided to venture into line kolams and have some pretty collections under the menu of line kolam.
In this kolam, I liked the flower buds and the small fruits hovering over the flowers. I have tried to give a 3d effect to the sphere shaped fruits. This kolam can be coloured with catchy colours and make it more grand during the margazhi season πŸ™‚

muggulu, white rangoli, rangavalli
Flowers πŸ™‚