Sikku Kolam -45 Collection

7 dots kolam
Sikku Flower Kolam

A collection of 7 dots sikku kolam. I should have added colours to the kolam 🙂
Dot count : 7-5×2-1

Kolam 1

This kolam has a single strand connecting all sides with a chain and the sides are filled with flower shapes.
The flower design can be changed to any element and it’s individual’s creativity to the connect those dots.

7 dots kolam
Sikku Flower Kolam

Kolam 2

This has two lines to form this design. The first one connects the centre column and centre row while the other strand connects the side dots. An ideal kolam to draw where is there is constraint in space and time.

7 Pulli small sikku kolam
Swirl Sikku kolam

Kolam 3

This kolam has a single sikku strand with connects the middle column and row. The side dots are filled with two loops, forming a plus sign.

7 Dots kolam
Small Kolam