Sikku Kolam -33

15 dots kolams
Sikku kolam

This design is my own creation. I have drawn this kolam using wet rice paste on floor and colour powders for enhancement ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m planning to try this again using kolapodi or chalkpiece, Shall upload later.

I have updated this page and here is the recent edition of this kolam, Sikku kolam in kolapowder

I had 15 dots as the target dot count and tried to create a design having 4 dots sikku kolam as the first step to form loops. And keeping that as the base design extended the lines and made curvy turns here and there finally came up with this design, I suppose this took some 30 minutes to get a shape. The centre sikku strands matched the outer ones and I was happy with the outcome.

The colours used are home made powders> As I have told earlier in my previous posts, that I had mixed food colours with rice flour. I have used orange and yellow colours. Yellow is from turmeric ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope they look bright

Dot count : 15-1 Straight pattern

15 dots kolams
Sikku kolam