A 19 dots kolam with a single strand stationed at 8 places to create a sikku pattern. Click this link to see the smaller version of this kolam https://vinns.in/7-dots-9-dots-11-dots-13-dots-sikku-kolam/ https://youtu.be/WLcaAzhdnCw
- Place 19 -1 dot in straight pattern and draw the stand as shown

2. Draw the same strand on all sides

3. Another strand of same pattern yet it is interconnected.

4. The strand extends on side. This is a single strand and gets completed within this quadrant.

5. Repeat the blue strands on other sides too

6. Now the pink strand gets added within blue strand to complete the design

7. The pink strands are added on all sides. Now the centre part. Loop the dots around the centre dots shown in red colour

8. The completed kolam. Its simple right!!!