18 dots fusion kolam.
For video please click this link https://youtu.be/A9dnlQtQE88
Scroll down for step by step images
Dot Pattern : Straight
Dot count : 18×2-2
A task assigned was supposed to be replicated got veered at the last moment. Swipe left to see the original version.
When had butcher’s at the kolam, I visualized heart shaped elements in the inner part but wanted to clinge with the original design. Yet nothing goes as expected…. Being a line kolam, started the kolam offhandely. After drawing the inner part of flower, the outer petal framed into swirls – the first Drift 😇. .
Next, the inner dots reclined with heart pattern and the extra dots got replenished with a sikku strand – again swerved from the original design, couldn’t help though 😁
Finally an outer sikku strand chipped in for an out and out display.. So, how does the kolam get categorised!!! Ms.Kalai selvi what’s your say!!!!
Step by step images are given below
- Place 18×2 -2 dots And extra 5 dots on all four sides to add extra sikku strand.

2. Draw a flower pattern as shown.

3. Add the same flower designs at three corners and at the centre too.

4. Now add a heart and leaves elements on the side

5. Now add the same elements on all four sides

6. The sikku strands added which encapsulates the inner design.