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A dot pattern emanated from a decentralised mind, literally inky pinky ponky mindset😂😂
Well, the zany dot placement turned into a trailblazer. Doodled around the dots unfettering the thoughts and finally ensconced with this pattern. Indeed a simple configuration, should had more intertwining, Vins !!!!
Unpremeditatedly, it turned to a “Brahma Mudichi Kolam”. The dot pattern exacted for a two fold symmetry.. That’s the #STD of the kolam #kannakatuthe 😂😂😂a
1. Place the dots as shown. The dot count doesn’t follow the usual pattern, so take a closer look before starting.

2. Start the design from bottom and loop the dots as shown

3. Draw the same pattern on another side, it’s a mirror strand.

4. Draw the same pattern on opposite side, again a mirror work of the bottom strands.

5. Now this kolam has a two fold symmetry not four so the other side strands are packed differently. Draw the knots around the dots as shown.

6. Again draw the mirror image of the side strands.

7. The completed kolam

This is a single strand kolam and can be tagged as Brahma Mudi Kolam