If you were/are a class backbencher, then you can colligate and sure this post will bestir all your treacly memories. Actually the BB’s are always scanned on teacher’s radar though far from the dais, yet hold the instructor’s attention at all times.
It isn’t facile to become the illustrious #Backbencher. .
The first and foremost point is that the great minds should confluence to form a team as BB and get into an affiliation. Once the team gets enumerated, the next phase is the location. .
The Locus –The seating location is the quintessence of BB. The peerless seat is the corner opposite to the classroom door while eyeballing the whole class and having a glance at the entrance.
Once the seating configuration is nailed down, then it’s the honing of soft skills. .
Communication – VENTRILOQUISM skill is a must for a BB to interact verbally within the group. Though afar from the preceptor, the adept eyes of pedagogue can sense the slightest movement of the lips. .
Timing – When a teacher tries to inspect the BB’s territory, the higgledy-piggledy table, especially the piece of paper which serves as the group’s chat box of yesteryear’s technology needs to be cleared as clean as a new pin just like the BEREZKA artists performing dance with subtle movements as the excess kinesics can magnetise the tutor’s cognizance. .
Interpersonal – The squad should have a good rapport with all other peers gathering data then transferring into information, later which may need for intelligence process, a sort of tech networking lingo. The above is desideratum to previse the pulse of the milieu .
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The idiosyncratic gang is always unruffled by the constant caveat for taking extra lunch/recess time, munching on the snacks during the lessons, though the only allergen for the BB is the word “First Bench” .
A simple 15 dots sikku annexed with a 5-4-3-2-1 dotted kolams on outer.The addendum revamped to another pattern where I failed to notice the extra dot which was supposed to be my favourite 4-3-2-1 dots sikku kolam. Well, I was convinced by the upshot of the display.