Margazhi Kolam -5 || 17 dots Sikku Kolam || Dhanurmasa rangavalli


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Margazhi Flowers

There are two flowers which are synonymous to Margazhi..First the Poosani Poo – the bright yellow Pumpkin flower.
Margazhi kolam with Poosani Poo placed at the centre, mounted on a cowdung is the picture being etched in my memory.
Nowadays, mostly (disclaimer pottachu 😉) a yellow coloured flower mimics the Poosani Poo to bring in the Margazhi effect.

The next flower of Margazhi is December poo as we call in Tamil 😛. I ain’t aware of its original name, it blooms only during the year end and thus the name tag, I suppose.
While reading the above, instantly your memory clicks the purple, violet, yellow !!! Right !!! The big flower with a long pedicel easy to string yet very delicate.

The name of the above flower nudges the memory to land on the movie December Pookal which has a beautiful song rendered by Jayachandran and Janaki in Illayaraja’s music..

Well, right now my mind is ready for a trip down the memory lane 😇
Let me wrap up and say a Happy Margazhi to All..😇

A 17 dots sikku kolam for the day with a chrysanthemum at the centre for the Margazhi feel.